Pine Grove Cemetery

Emerson Cemetery

If you are interested in purchasing a lot(s) or have other questions, please contact the township clerk (information below).
If you know of a veteran's plot that does not have a flag on it, please contact me with further information and we will make sure to get one there. No charge for CLERK to meet family at cemetery to answer any questions.
Jodie Reeves, Emerson Township Clerk at 989-763-1405 and leave a message.
Cemetery Rules: All artificial decorations must be in a secure container with drainage holes. Thorn-bearing plants and glass containers are not allowed.
All artificial flowers will be removed from November 1-December 1. All artificial flowers and grave blankets will be removed from March 15-April 1.
Rates for Grave Openings/ Foundations
Traditional Opening/Closing of Graves: $550 - winter openings (December-March) $100 more ($650), additional $100 for Sundays and holidays ($750).
Infant Graves Without the Use of Excavation: $150/With Use $350
Burial of Cremains: $175, extra $50 for winter openings (December-March) ($225) and additional $100 for Sunday or holidays ($325).
*All Cremains Are Charged PER INDIVIDUAL BURIAL
FOUNDATIONS: $.40 per square inch - MUST ADD a 3-inch border to length and width - $80 minimum charge

Lot Rates at Pine Grove Cemetery
Full lot equals 5 caskets (or 8 cremains) - $100 for township
residents/$400 for non-residents.
½ lot equal 2 caskets (or 4 cremains).
Lot Availablity in Emerson Cemetery
Lots are no longer for sale in Emerson Cemetery.
Cemetery Documents