Inside the Township Hall

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How to Rent the Hall

Please contact Hall Administrator Heather Coon at 989-763-1345
and leave a message.
She will contact you within a few days.

Rental Rates

Rates for renting the township hall are as follows:
Township Residents and Property Owners ~ $75/day
Non-Residents ~ $250/day ~ Business Meetings ~ $250/day.  A deposit of $75 is required with signed contract.

Hall Rental Policies

Township Hall Rental Policies
  1. The township hall will be left as you found it and the items on the contract checklist will be specifically verified prior to leaving the hall.
  2. NO alcoholic beverages of any type shall be allowed on the premises and NO smoking is permitted anywhere in the township hall.  Evidence of smoking or alcohol will be grounds for additional charges.
  3. No township property will be removed from the township hall, including tables and chairs.